corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility2022-03-31T12:18:01+01:00

allied in the community

alliedaccess in the community

Years ago, we operated out of a lock-up yard in Oldham, Lancashire. Ever since then, we’ve been aware of the challenges facing people in the town and that’s why we’re proud to support Mahdlo.

Mahdlo is a charity that works with young people, and it’s also a brilliant facility that offers a fantastic range of activities including sports, dance, music, craft and film-making – all of it affordable.  Membership is available for any youngster between 8 and 19, and for those with a disability the upper age limit is 25. It’s inclusive and loads of Oldham people are involved, either taking part in activities or as volunteers and mentors. It’s fun and energetic and its helping young people develop skills for life.

You can learn more about Mahdlo here.

alliedaccess and the environment

It’s very important to the team at alliedaccess, and to our clients, that our operations are as sustainable as possible. We’re always looking to make improvements: to reduce, reuse and recycle wherever we can, but we know that in construction, timber products have to be safe and sound. That’s why we source all our planks from MetsäWood (formerly known as Finnforest).  This is an international Finnish co-operative of 131,000 forest owners, which employs the highest standards of sustainable management and has become the largest supplier of quality certified timber products in the UK.

allied in the environment

allied in the workplace

alliedaccess in the workplace

We know that as a business our performance depends on having the right people, that’s why we’ve become an Investors in People accredited business. To us, success isn’t simply about profit margins, it’s about our people and how happy they are in their work. We love to help train, develop and grow strong teams and to watch our staff learn new skills and take on more responsibility.



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what our clients say…

“Well done to the entire team. Calm professional and in control … a great deal of personal effort in challenging conditions. Many thanks.”

Richard Walker, ALT Member Amey

“Great job everybody, really well done.”

Nick Spall, Network Rail